Introducing our Head of Independent Living Services
Our care teams are our most important asset and really are the heart of our business and the Head of Independent Living Services plays a vital part in providing the best possible care. Find out more about Jessica, our Head of Independent Living Services.

Reflecting on Jessica’s journey in the care industry fills her with pride. In every role she has held, she worked her way up, embracing every challenge and training opportunity that came her way. The mission statement of Care is Central first attracted her to the company. She feels it resonates with her and aligns with her values, drawing her to join the team.
1. What has been your biggest challenge in your career to date?
For me, the biggest challenge was working through the Covid-19 pandemic. I think anyone who works within the sector would agree this time was incomprehensibly difficult. Having to adapt the way we worked to safely support service users and staff in a time of constant change and uncertainty all while trying to maintain a calming familiarity.
This is when I first became a registered manager and I had to undertake the task of learning a new role while tackling the huge changes in a sector I previously knew so well.
2. What are you most proud of in your career?
When I consider how far I’ve come in the time I’ve worked in the care industry I feel very proud of that journey. In every role I have held in this industry I have worked my way up and embraced every challenge and training opportunity that came my way to be where I am today.
3. What does high-quality care or ‘doing care differently’ mean to you?
Delivering high quality care means going above and beyond for each service user. Ensuring each individual is always happy with the care they’re receiving, whether it’s from myself personally or any member of my team. We should all strive to put our clients health and happiness as top priority. For me, this also means doing my upmost to ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of all staff who are a part of my team. They are what keeps the industry going and don’t get the recognition they deserve.
4. What do you think makes Care is Central different?
I think what sets Care is Central apart is our vision as a company. We aim to provide care that puts our service users and carers first. In a time where retention of care staff is a huge challenge within our industry, working within a company that aims to recognise the hard work our team do makes us unique.
5. What attracts you to Care is Central?
Care is Central mission statement is what first attracted me to the company. I feel it is a statement that resonates with my and aligns with my own values.