Our Guide to Home Care Funding

3 years ago
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Our Guide to Home Care Funding

Funding is based on your individual needs and where you live. We know that having to arrange care support for yourself or a loved one can be stressful – ensuring the best possible quality of care and how understanding the cost implications are two of the most important factors. Here is a brief overview of how to get funding and how to find out what you are entitled to.

Your options

You may be eligible for assistance from the Government for all, or part of your care costs. This will depend on your financial situation and your health. To find out whether you are eligible for any assistance, you will need to contact your local council to arrange a care assessment. If your needs match the level set by the council, they will then carry out an assessment of your finances.

The financial assessment is a means test that determines whether a person whose care needs meet the eligibility criteria should contribute towards the cost of their care.

Criteria includes the following:

If you have savings or capital over £23,250 you will be asked to pay the full cost of your care.

If you have less than £23,250 your local authority will determine how much you will need to pay towards your care costs.

If you have capital and savings below £14,250 the cost of your care may be paid for in full by the  Government.

To arrange an assessment in Central Bedfordshire you will need to contact the local authority on 0300 300 8303, email customers@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or visit Central Bedfordshire Council’s website.

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