When is the right time to get home care support?

Home care support
We understand that asking for extra help can be challenging and emotional for you and your loved ones. Understanding you need support and feeling happy with strangers coming into your house to help can take time to come to terms with.
Ensuring you’re thoroughly informed, and have the right support and guidance, can be very helpful and reassuring when it comes to deciding if home care is right for you and which company is best suited to delivering your requirements.
There are many reasons why you might start to think you may need some extra help:

Day-to-day activities are a struggle
If you are struggling to manage your day-to-day activities such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, dressing, and washing, it might be worth looking for additional support to help you feel comfortable and happy in your home.
Family and friends can’t provide adequate support
Sometimes it’s just not possible for family members or friends to be able to help or provide adequate care on a daily and consistent basis. This might be due to their work or perhaps because they live far away. If this is the case, it might be time to consider getting in professional local help to keep you independent and not feeling guilty about being a burden to your loved ones whilst giving your family peace of mind you are OK.

After a fall or illness
Taking care of yourself whilst ill, after an accident such as a fall, or whilst living with complex medical conditions, is hard enough. As well as coping with any pain, injuries or disabilities, you may also need to consistently take medication. This is often required to be taken on a very regular basis, at certain times of day, and it can be hard to keep track of. Missing this medication can become a setback in your recovery. Carers can help administer and record medication and check on your health and well-being, ensuring you recover quickly.
Safety is at risk
Besides the difficulty of performing your day-to-day activities, maintaining your home can become a difficult task as well. Doing certain activities around the house may put your safety at risk. Walking up and down the stairs, cooking, getting in and out of bed or chair, taking a bath or shower, can easily become hazards. Home care support can ensure that your daily activities and household chores are carried out safely, keeping you safe and happy in your own home.
If you are thinking about your future and considering home care, we are here for a friendly chat to talk you through your options.
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